Have you joined a gym since the turn of the year? I play a bit of social tennis at the David Lloyd club and I don’t think I’ve ever seen it as busy. Lots of new members with New Year resolutions to lose weight and get fit. Fitness trainers are helping people learn how to curtail their sweet tooth’s cravings and replace those sugary treats with healthier options—foods that sustain energy in a stable, healthy way, as opposed to a fast spike of energy followed by an even faster crash and burn.
So how does this translate to my business, you ask? Well, think about all of the things your business has “digested” over this past year that didn’t generate healthy sustenance for you. Such as poor performing employees or bad paying customers—if you cut those things out of your company’s diet and replaced them with healthier options, you could improve your business’s long-term health and success.
If you were carefully watching your company’s key financial performance indicators over this last year, you would know right away which “foods” sustained your company’s income stream over the long-term, and which created a sharp spike before plummeting into a crash and burn. Personal weight loss and fitness advice is analogous to managing a business and “trimming the fat” out of your company’s operational budget.
Here are some tips for improving the health of your business in 2018:-
- Compare your current financial health to what you thought you were going to do (your budget and forecast). Compare what you did last month with what you did last year during the same period. Any health nut will tell you how important it is to have goals, track those goals, and adjust along the way for optimum performance.
- It’s important to have a long-term marketing strategy that includes solid customer research, benchmarks, and goals. Create a budget and plan that maintains the health of your organisation over the long haul. The goal is to develop and track a marketing plan that keeps customers flowing into your business on a regular, healthy basis.
- Exercising and eating healthy are not always easy to do. It takes time, perseverance, and commitment to achieve your big goals. It’s the same for your business. So start off the year by outlining a plan for growth. Implement it, track it, adjust it where needed, and most importantly, celebrate your wins this year!
If you would like to get your business in shape for 2018, please contact Walker Begley today on 01925 210 000.